0:00 Lady Spin Your Circle Bright
2:30 As One
6:00 Isis, Astarte
8:06 The Moon She Dances
13:02 Born of Water Chant
16:06 Circle Within a Circle
18:20 May the Circle Be Open - Lindie Lila
21:32 Moon Chant - Marie Bruce
25:28 Mother of Darkness, Mother of Light
29:40 Protection spell
31:18 Earth, Air, Fire, Water
35:17 Ancient Mother 40:37 Goddess Protection Chant
43:48 I am the Goddess
46:50 The River Is Flowing
50:37 We Are the Flow
53:45 Under the Full Moonlight
56:34 Witch's Rune
1:00:47 Blessings - Lindie Lila
Lady spin your circle bright weave your web of Dark and Light Earth, Air, Fire and Water bind us as one
as one we walk this earth together
as one we sing to her our song
as one we love Her
as one we heal Her
Her heart beats with our own
as one as one we join with Her,
our Mother as one
we feel Her sacred song
as one we touch Her
as one we heal Her
Her heart beats with our own as one
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate Demeter, Kali, Inanna
the Moon, She dances like the waves, like the waves on the shore
making circles, making circles like the waves, like the waves on the shore
born of water cleansing, powerful healing, changing I am
we are a circle within a circle with no beginning and never-ending
may the circle be open
yet forever unbroken may the love of the Goddess
be forever in your heart merry meet and merry part and merry meet again
------------------------------------------------------ s
see the Moon tonight
smiling down on me as
I cast my circle of infinity
when the moon shines bright Goddess calls to me
and I dance in the circle of Her love
and I dance in the circle of Her love as a lady
She tempt us shy with Her light
She is modest and pure as
She grazes the night with all
Her translucence the Mother smiles the bright of Her radiance
and chants and beguiles shouting loud the crone slowly waits
She fairest of souls as the darkness gains
as I dance in the circle I offer my love for
I bathed in the night for the Lady above eternal immortal the Goddess remains
and the cycle of moonlight begins
once again look to the Moon tonight, s
hining down on me as I chant in the circle of infinity
now the Moon beams bright shining down on me as
I dance with Her shadow in the dark as I sing to the Goddess of my heart look to the Moon tonight,
shining down on me as I chant in the circle of infinity as the Moon beams bright,
shining down on me as I dance with the shadow of Her love as I sing to the Goddess of my heart as I sing to the Goddess of my heart
Mother of darkness, Mother of light Earth beneath us, soul in flight songs of love and love of life guide us to our heart
we all come from the Goddess and to Her we shall return like a drop of rain, flowing to the ocean
honored maiden huntress, Artemis, Artemis new Moon, come to us
silver shining wheel of radiance, radiance Mother, come to us.
honored queen of wisdom, Hecate, Hecate Old One, come to us
the Earth, the Air, the Fire, the Water return, return, return, return
Ancient Mother,
I hear you calling Ancient Mother,
I hear your call Ishtar, Ceredwin, Hecate, Inanna, Isis Artemis, Sjophia, Athena, Coatilicue Aphrodite, Mielikki, Astarte, Gaia Sarawati, Kali, Pele, Paso Wee Demeter, Parvati, Hera, Akewa, Diana Nidaba, Chicomecoatl, Iitlith, Shkina Morgana, Maya, Izanami, Shakti Ancient Mother,
I hear you calling Ancient Mother, I hear your call
let the arms of the Great Mother ever surround me let the arms of the Great Mother ever surround me I envoke the protection of Divine Mother's embrace I envoke the protection of Divine Mother's grace
I am the Goddess, Mother of life
I am the Goddess, bearer of life I am,
I am, the Goddess divine I am,
I am the Goddess divine Isis, Venus, Ishtar, Kali Minerva, Shakti, Kwan Yin, Lakshmi I am,
I am the Goddess divine I am,
I am the Goddess divine I am the Goddess, ever living
I am the Goddess, ever loving I am the Goddess,
creatress of life I am the Goddess, who nourishes life
the river is flowing, flowing and growing the river is flowing, down the to the sea Mother, carry me, your child I will always be Mother, carry me down to the sea
we are the flow, we are the ebb we are the weavers, we are the web we are the flow, we are the ebb we are the witches back from the dead
under the full moon light we dance spirit dance we dance joining hands we dance joining souls rejoice
darksome night and shining Moon balance of the dark and light hearken ye our witches' rune as we perform our sacred rite by Earth and Water, Air and Fire by blade and bowl and circle round we come to you with our desire let all that is hidden now be found with censor, candle, book and sword and ringing of the altar bell we tie a knot within our cord to bind our magic in a spell Mother of the summer fields Goddess of the silver Moon join with us as power builds dance with us our witches' rune Father of the summer dew hunter of the winter snows with open arms we welcome you dance with us as power grows dance with us our witches' rune by all the light of Moon and Sun by all the might of land and sea chant the rune and it is done as we will, so mote it be
thank you for the blessings and guidance every day thank you for the wisdom and showing me the way clarity and vision, I am always on my path thank you for prosperity and playful inner child thank you for the laughter and a joyful heart clarity and vision, I am always on my path